Author: fela



Radiology involves much more than simple x-rays to diagnose conditions. At Edo Specialist Hospital, we use the latest high-tech systems for medical imaging, which include: X-rays: The Edo Specialist Hospital provides a wide range of routine x-ray services including chest, spine, extremity, head, and abdomen imaging With our state-of-the art digital x-ray and 4D ultrasound...

7 Ways to Get More Sleep Naturally

7 Ways to Get More Sleep Naturally

You know the typical pattern: the blare of your alarm clock forces you up, but you can’t shake the zombie-like trance from another less-than-restful night. You chug espresso shots to make it through the day, but by bedtime you’re so wired, you lie awake in the dark scrolling through Facebook. After a fitful few hours...

Helping Children Deal With Trauma

Helping Children Deal With Trauma

The intense, confusing, and frightening emotions that follow a traumatic event or natural disaster can be even more pronounced in children—whether they directly experienced the traumatic event or were repeatedly exposed to horrific media images after the fact. While children and adolescents are more vulnerable to being traumatized than adults, with the right support and...

Our Definitive Guide to Cold and Flu

Our Definitive Guide to Cold and Flu

So you’ve come down with a nasty bug that’s been making the rounds. The good news? You probably don’t need to go into the doctor’s office. The bad news? You still feel awful. If you think you have an upper respiratory infection (URI) — which includes the common cold, sinus infections, chest colds (bronchitis), and the...

How to Handle Your Kids’ Mystery Ailments

How to Handle Your Kids’ Mystery Ailments

Parental pop quiz: your kid comes home from school with a stomachache — do you limit their Flamin’ Hot Cheetos intake or head straight to the pediatrician’s office? Being a parent is anything but easy, but trying to treat your child’s mysterious aches and pains can be particularly tricky; especially since kids seem to get...

Do You Know the ABCs of Health Care?

Do You Know the ABCs of Health Care?

Each one of us arrives at that time in our lives when we truly understand that being in good health is extremely important.  This realization can arrive at any time; in fact, this understanding of the significance of good health seems to vary for everyone and really does depend on various life factors. For many...

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